We have an ambitious goal ahead of us: raise $600,000 by tomorrow at midnight. And reporters have begun reaching out about whether or not we're going to hit the mark. One asked if I'm worried that we'd fall short of this key target.
They're asking because at this stage in the race, people want to know whether campaigns like ours have what it takes to defeat Donald Trump. And while I'm confident that Beto is the candidate for the job, we also need to prove that we have the resources and grassroots strength to match. So, I'm asking you:
Whether it's $1 or $10, each individual donation means another person has been inspired to invest in our campaign and Beto's vision for America. We need that at this moment. So no matter what you can afford — or even if you can't quite make it happen this time — just know that your support means the world to us.
Appreciate you,
Chris Evans
Beto for America

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