This is it: the final hours before our official FEC deadline. We haven't yet hit our online fundraising goal of $600,000 by midnight, and we can't fall short.

This is it: the final hours before our official FEC deadline. We haven't yet hit our online fundraising goal of $600,000 by midnight, and we can't fall short.
Can Beto count on you to chip in $10 before our FEC deadline at midnight? We need everyone in this to meet our goal.
What that we've built so far depends on us posting our strongest possible fundraising numbers on this report. This is our moment to show what we can do when we build a movement of ALL people from all walks of life -- no PACs, corporations, or special interests.
We are building a new kind of politics -- where no one is taken for granted, no one written off. This is a campaign for everyone, and we will only succeed if enough people take part.
Now let's give these final hours everything we've got.
Team Beto
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