Thursday, November 11, 2021

Record-breaking number of Texans registered to vote

With every new voter registered in Texas, we move one step closer to making the change we want to see.

Powered By People


Exciting news, for the first time ever Texas has over 17 million registered voters!

Houston Chronicle Headline

With every new voter registered in Texas, we move one step closer to making the change we want to see. And this is in no small part thanks to the work of Powered by People volunteers and supporters like you!

Since 2019, Powered by People has registered over 250,000 likely Democratic voters. And right now, volunteers are on the ground registering new voters wherever they are – college campuses, community events, even their own doorsteps.

Jason, this is how we win. One new voter at a time. Please, if you want to support Powered by People's work to fight against voter suppression and register hundreds of thousands of new Texas voters, will you chip in $10 or more today?

Contribute $10

All year, Texas Republicans have been trying to take away Texans' votes. Led by Governor Greg Abbott, the GOP state legislature passed one of the most extreme voter suppression laws in the country. But we haven't let them stop us. We've rallied, trained to become Volunteer Deputy Registrars, and registered new voters in every corner of the state.

The Texas GOP wants nothing more than for us to surrender to their power grab, but these voter registration numbers prove that we're building a movement powerful enough to overcome any attacks on our democracy.

Thank you for your support,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People

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