Sunday, November 7, 2021

SB 8 in the Supreme Court

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on the constitutionality of SB 8.

Powered By People


On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on the constitutionality of SB 8 — the restrictive and extreme abortion ban signed into law by Governor Gregg Abbott earlier this year.

Texas already leads the country in maternal mortality, and now Republicans have created a system where nearly no one is able to access a safe, legal abortion. Already, stories are spreading of people traveling hundreds of miles to obtain reproductive health care and of the immense harm this law has caused.

It's possible that at least five Supreme Court justices will side with abortion providers in the case currently before the Supreme Court, but we cannot rely on a far-right court to defend our rights. We have to protect them ourselves.

That's why Powered by People is dedicated to getting as many people involved in our democracy as possible to protect our voting rights, reproductive rights, and more. Jason, if you're in this movement, will you please make a $10 donation to Powered by People today?

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This is an all-out battle for our democracy. Since our founding, Powered by People has been doing the work to defeat bad actors by organizing over 20,000 volunteers, making over 76 million voter contact attempts, and registering over 250,000 likely Democratic voters.

Jason, Republicans in Texas are not looking out for the safety or health of Texans — instead, they're focusing on scoring political points for their extreme actions and currying to Donald Trump's favor. But no matter what Republicans throw at us, we'll continue this fight.

Together we can build a better, more responsive government and elect leaders that truly represent the people of Texas, but we need your support. Will you chip in $10 or more to support our work to register new voters, fight against GOP attacks on our rights, and protect our democracy?


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