Thursday, August 3, 2023

I am writing today to explain why I am debating Ron DeSantis and to ask you to rush a $3 contribution directly to Joe Biden's campaign for president today.

Several months ago, back when people thought Ron DeSantis had a chance to win the Republican nomination for president, I challenged him to a debate.
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Alright Jason —

Several months ago, back when people thought Ron DeSantis had a chance to win the Republican nomination for president, I challenged him to a debate.

I said we could even do it on Fox News, and with Sean Hannity as a host.

Earlier this week, he accepted. We'll see if he follows through...

Now, before I talk about WHY this is happening, let me say this: I am going to defend the Biden agenda and accomplishments from DeSantis' attacks as forcefully as I did the last time I was on with Hannity.

But President Biden is going to be taking on a tougher opponent than DeSantis — that's Donald Trump — and Joe needs our help, cause Trump is out to a HUGE fundraising lead and is on the brink of wrapping on the Republican nomination.

So please:

Use this link to contribute $3 DIRECTLY to Joe Biden's campaign for president. Help him close the gap on his fundraising shortfall as the attack ads ramp up against him.


Now, I challenged Ron DeSantis to a debate because he is a total fraud and the world needs to see it.

He talks about freedom A LOT, but he is one of the most anti-freedom governors in the most anti-freedom political party in the country.

Freedom is under attack in Florida.

They ban books in Florida.

They restrict speech in Florida.

They make it harder to vote in Florida.

They criminalize women and doctors in Florida.

As Democrats, we cannot allow Republicans to own that word in the political debate. We have to take it back.

That's what I will do on Fox News against DeSantis.

Because true freedom means you can afford to get the health care you need without going bankrupt.

True freedom means being able to love the person you love without fear or discrimination.

True freedom means you can go to a movie, a parade, a church or an elementary school without fear of getting shot.

True freedom is a woman and her doctor making the health care decisions she needs.

True freedom means you don't have to choose between covering the cost of your utilities or the medicine you need to live.

True freedom means living life without the fear that large portions of the planet will be uninhabitable for future generations.

That is what the Biden agenda is all about — and why he needs our help. Especially now — especially as Trump's fundraising is picking up and the attack ads against Biden are, as well.

Please use this link to contribute $3 or whatever you can afford today directly to Joe Biden's campaign for president. He needs us now.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you for joining me in support of the president today.

Gavin Newsom



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