Hey Jason, we wanted to make sure you had a chance to see Beto's note about the results of Tuesday's election.
It's important you read it because now is not the time for despair. We have a lot to be proud of, and a lot to look forward to (like Eliz running in the general election in November, along with dozens of other key candidates that Powered By People intends to support). But that work requires resources, and we're facing our first fundraising deadline of the year on January 31st.
Thanks for everything, Jason. We can't wait to continue this work with all of you.
- Powered By People
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Beto O'Rourke <info@betoorourke.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 9:23 AM
Subject: Thank you
To: Jason Ambrose <jambrose01.munchkinlegs@blogger.com>
Dear Jason,
Thank you for working so hard to help Eliz Markowitz in her race to represent the people of Fort Bend and the 28th House district in the Texas legislature.
Election night was tough. Not the outcome that we wanted. But we knew from the start that this was a long shot; we knew Eliz had only received 39% of the vote in the November special election; we knew her opponent had lent his own campaign $1.5 million. But we also knew that as the first election of the most important year of our lives we had to try and we had to do our best.
I am confident we did. Together, more than 1,100 of us knocked on over 41,000 doors. And beyond the direct engagement with voters, we had fun, we connected with old friends and had the chance to make new ones. As Thomas from Lubbock put it, we all got to be a family again.
While we didn't win, we helped produce the largest turnout in a runoff special election in Texas history. We helped improve Eliz's performance over the November election by 3 points. And most importantly — the tens of thousands of conversations we had with voters laid the groundwork for her to have a fighting chance in the November matchup for this same seat.
This is just the beginning. Not only does Eliz have another chance to win in less than ten months, we now have the ability to bring Powered by People volunteers to bear on state house elections throughout Texas. I hope you will be one of them.
If we stay focused, if we stay after it, we will achieve our goal of electing a Democratic majority in the state house for the first time since 2001.
Keep up the fight and keep the faith,

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