Monday, January 27, 2020

Read before tomorrow

Tomorrow is the special election in Texas HD 28. We're on the verge of carrying Eliz Markowitz to victory and flipping a critical seat from red to blue.

Jason, we're almost there.

Tomorrow is the special election in Texas HD 28. We're on the verge of helping Eliz Markowitz win and flip a critical seat from red to blue.

That would bring us one step closer to Democratic control of the Texas State House for the first time in decades. However, even with a win tomorrow, we would still need to flip eight more seats to win a majority.

That's where you come in. Thanks to generous supporters like you, we were able to knock on more than 38,000 doors in HD 28 alone (in fact, our grassroots power grew so big that the GOP got scared and started busing in volunteers).

Now, we need to replicate that organizing success in at least eight more districts — which we can only do with support from generous people like you. On the eve of Election Day, will you make a donation to help us hit the ground running and start immediately organizing in all of the districts we need to win?


Flipping these seats and winning control of the Texas State House would directly impact the lives of almost every single Texan.

Not only would it give us the chance to change those nearly 29 million lives for the better, but turning Texas blue would send a shockwave throughout the political world. It would show how important — and vital — grassroots organizing is to Democratic victory.

All of that is within our grasp. We can make it happen. But for us to win tomorrow — and beyond — we need your help; it's going to take a lot of resources to knock on the hundreds of thousands of doors we'll need to.

We're in the home stretch for HD 28, so let's leave it all on the road. Will you make a gift today to support our work to win this seat, and many more seats to come?

Thank you for everything,

- Powered By People team



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