Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Helping from afar

This is a critical moment — not only for Texas, but for our country too. Together, we'll continue to rise up to these challengers, have important conversations in our communities, and win big.

Hey Jason. We've been real, real busy in Texas lately, and I wanted to catch you up on the work we're doing.

This past weekend, we held our first weekend of action for Eliz Markowitz. She's an incredible candidate running in a special election runoff for Texas House District 28.

More than 400 people signed up to volunteer for over 750 canvassing shifts, and we ended up knocking on more than 12,000 doors. It was an incredible experience, and we could tip the scales if we keep the momentum going. But we can't do it alone:

Can you donate $3 and help ensure we have the resources needed for our next Weekend of Action? We have a lot more work to do here in Fort Bend — and even MORE work flipping the rest of Texas. Your support is crucial.

Donate $3

Special elections like this one are often decided by a few thousand votes or less. And to reiterate — we just knocked on 12,000 doors. What that says is that our grassroots organizing can make all the difference in this race.

But grassroots organizing isn't enough all on its own. Running a statewide voter-contact program to flip Texas blue requires a lot of staff, volunteers, and resources. So even if you're not able to pitch in in person, please know that your support from afar — in whatever way possible — is absolutely invaluable to us.

If you can, please make a $3 donation to Powered By People today, and help us not only elect Eliz Markowitz in HD-28, but win big in the rest of Texas.

This is a critical moment. We only need to win 8 more seats in order to flip the Texas Legislature blue for the first time since 2001. It's only possible if we continue to work together.


The Powered By People Team

Donate $3

P.S. Here's some photos from our most recent Weekend of Action!









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