Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The GOP is deploying buses to Fort Bend

Early voting has officially begun in Texas' 28th House District. Beto and the team have been working hard to turn out voters for Eliz Markowitz: together, we've knocked on more than 24,000 doors the last two weeks alone.

Jason, we're in the home stretch.

Early voting has officially begun in Texas' 28th House District. Beto and the team have been working hard to turn out voters for Eliz Markowitz: together, we've knocked on more than 24,000 doors the last two weeks alone.

The good news is that the GOP sees the writing on the wall, and it's clear our grassroots power is making them nervous.

The bad news is that they're pulling out all the stops as a result. We just learned that Gov. Greg Abbott's campaign is deploying a fleet of buses to Fort Bend to beat us.

We've got to double our efforts before the election on January 28th. Can you make a donation today to ensure our team has the resources needed as we enter this final week?

Donate $3

I know a lot of you have asked why you should care so much about what happens in Texas, and it's a fair question — it might feel less important to you than a race in California. So here are three of my reasons:

  1. 38 electoral college votes and 36 seats in Congress are closer to flipping blue than they've been in decades.
  2. We only need 9 seats (out of 150) to flip the Texas State House. The lives of 28.7 million Texans will be heavily impacted depending on if we win or not.
  3. Texas has long been the poster-child of GOP strength. Flipping the state blue would send massive shockwaves through the rest of the country. We'd let everyone know that no self-described "Republican stronghold" is safe.

Our most important (and last) Weekend of Action for Eliz kicks off in two days, and the election itself is just four days after. We need your help to fund this final stretch of organizing work.

Please chip in to help Beto, Eliz, and the Powered By People team win this election on January 28th, and turn Texas blue in 2020. It all starts with this seat in Fort Bend.

Thanks for all your support, Jason. This race is coming down to the wire, and your help this weekend can — and will — push us over the edge.

Cynthia Cano
Powered By People

Donate $3


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