Thursday, January 23, 2020

Helping Beto out on an important thing

We can win this critical race, but we need more volunteer hours. Beto is assembling a team to get out the vote this weekend.

Jason, we've spent the last two weekends knocking on tens of thousands of doors to get out the vote for Eliz Markowitz in a key special election runoff.

Now early voting has started. We're seeing turnout at FIVE TIMES the rate of early voting in November. Our field strategy is working wonders. In just a few short days, we can pull off a huge upset by electing Eliz and bringing Texas within striking distance of Democratic control.

Why does this one election matter so much? Texas is the largest battleground state in the country. A win for Eliz puts us within an 8-seat margin of flipping the state's legislature from red to blue. It puts six House seats in Democratic contention. It's a special election with national implications.

We can win, but we need more volunteer hours. Beto is assembling a remote volunteer call team to dial voters on our target list over the next 6 days.

Can you click here to join the team now and make some calls to get the job done? Please sign up for our Slack channel so we can keep you in the loop on how to get started.

Join the team >>

Signing up for our Slack channel will get you in touch with our volunteer coordinators who can explain just how easy it is to get started making calls to voters for Eliz.

Even if you don't live in Texas, this is critically important work. Remember, winning Texas in 2020 means we beat Trump handily in the electoral college. Winning the Texas legislature means we can expand Medicaid under Obamacare. It all starts with getting Eliz elected.

So please: sign up for our remote call team Slack channel now and let's get to work winning this extremely close race.

Thank you for all you do,

Powered By People team

PS: If you can't join our remote call team, Beto has asked if you can please chip in $10 to help us fund the software and team necessary to call voters and knock doors in this extremely important special election. Every dollar helps.

Contribute $10


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