Friday, August 7, 2020

2.25 million calls made (and counting)

So far, Powered By People volunteers have already made 1.4 million calls to contact Texas voters. This month, we're hoping to reach even more - and we're looking to you to join us.

Powered By People


Recent polling shows that Texas is officially a "toss-up" state — meaning that the race for president is basically tied.

This news is a great reminder that flipping Texas blue and stopping Trump isn't impossible, but that we still have work to do. That's why we do what we do: call voters to turn them out to vote in November, day in and day out.

So far, Powered By People volunteers have already made 2.25 million calls to contact Texas voters. This month, we're hoping to reach even more — and we're looking to you to join us. Can we count on you to sign up for an upcoming phone banking shift?

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, August 13, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Monday, August 17, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Wednesday, August 19, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

We hope you'll make the time to join us in the coming weeks, Jason. Together, we can build the massive wave of voters we need in Texas to flip the State House and stop Trump forever.

Thanks for everything you do,

Powered By People


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