Tuesday, August 11, 2020

We have millions more calls to make

Jason, I'm right there with you calling the Texas voters who will decide the most important election of our lifetime.

Dear Jason,

This fight is on and we need you in it.

We've made more than two million phone calls to Texas voters over the last two months, and our work is paying off. NBC News just changed its rating on Texas — long thought to be the most reliably Republican bet in any Presidential election — to "toss-up."

However, the first day of early voting is only 63 days away and we have millions more calls to make. Can you join me for an upcoming phone bank?

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, August 13, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Monday, August 17, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Wednesday, August 19, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Imagine what it will feel like if every attempt made by Donald Trump to steal this election is thwarted by a stunning Texas victory on November 3rd. If Joe Biden becomes the first Democratic nominee to win this state and our 38 electoral college votes since 1976, the impact will be seismic, reshaping the political landscape in America for the foreseeable future. It will forever turn the page on Donald Trump and allow us to begin the necessary next chapter for this country.

Imagine what it will feel like if we elect a Democratic majority to the Texas State House for the first time in 20 years, knowing that we now have a check against racial gerrymandering and voter suppression, and the elected leadership to make progress on healthcare, climate change, and gun violence. This new Democratic majority is only nine seats away — and we won more votes than Ted Cruz in nine of the seats that we are targeting in 2020. We can do this, because we've done this before!

Texas is the most important battleground state in the country. What happens here changes what is possible not only for Texas but for the entire rest of the country. And this is the most competitive Texas has been in my lifetime. Trump and his enablers get that and they are doing everything they can — from voter suppression to dark money Super PACs — to try to retain their purchase on power.

Now knowing all of that, imagine what it will feel like if we miss victory in the presidential race and these critical State House races by a couple thousand votes, a few hundred votes, or even just one vote.

None of us wants to feel like there was something more we could have done, some extra effort left unexpended. That's why we're organizing phone banks from now until Election Day, reaching EVERY VOTER in the state of Texas over the next couple of months.

And we're not doing it with mailers, or TV ads, or Facebooks posts or robocalls — we're connecting people with people, calling and texting each Texas voter individually.

These calls produce actionable lists of committed Democratic voters that can be turned out by Democratic candidates up and down the ballot ahead of early voting and Election Day. It's how we're going to win.

But we can't do this without your help. These phone banks are led and driven by volunteers just like you and me. The only way we reach these voters is if you make the decision to join us.

Think about how you want to feel on election night, and then join me for an upcoming phone bank. I'll be right there with you calling the Texas voters who will decide the most important election of our lifetime.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.



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