Tuesday, August 4, 2020

27 endorsements in Texas

If you want evidence of our growing coalition in Texas, look no further than President Obama's first wave of 2020 endorsements.

Powered By People


If you want evidence of our growing coalition in Texas, look no further than President Obama's first wave of 2020 endorsements: yesterday, he endorsed 27 Texas Democrats for positions in the State House and U.S. Congress, the most of any other state on his slate.

This is proof that our work in Texas has never been more critical. The things we are working so hard towards — winning a Democratic majority in the State House and denying Trump Texas's 38 Electoral College votes — are well within reach.

Will you chip in $10 to support these efforts and keep our dialer and technology systems running?

Contribute $10

Now that there's less than three months to go until Election Day, our work in reaching out to voters is ramping up. In order to keep pace, we need to grow our phone banks, recruit more volunteers, and make sure our staff and callers have all the support they need.

Right now, hundreds of volunteers are putting in the work and reaching out to thousands of voters week after week — all in the service of turning Texas blue and getting Trump out of office, finally and forever.

Our work is critical — and we're counting on you to help support it. Will you chip in $10 right now to fuel our voter contact and turnout efforts across Texas?

Contribute $10

— The Powered By People team


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