Wednesday, August 5, 2020

69 days to go

We're currently several volunteers short of where we need to be in order to keep pace with our outreach goals. Will you join the phone bank tomorrow?

Powered By People

Jason, there are only 69 days left until early voting for the November general election begins in Texas.

Everything that we're working so hard for right now — flipping the State House and stopping Trump's second term — will be determined in 69 short days, when voters begin to cast their ballots.

Beto and our Powered by People team are hosting regular phone banks through Election Day, including one tomorrow night. And currently, we're several volunteers short of where we need to be in order to keep pace with our outreach goals.

Can you join Beto tomorrow night to make calls to Democratic voters across Texas and help us do this important work?

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto
Thursday, August 6, 6:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

So much is at stake this election, Jason. Our success in getting this done is largely dependent on reaching out to every single Democratic voter between now and November 3rd.

It's going to take all of us reaching out to every single Democrat in Texas, starting now, to win. We hope we can count on you to do your part to help us get there.


Kate Roberts
Powered By People


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