Sunday, August 30, 2020

Have you signed up to flip Texas blue yet?

This week we're kicking off our first round of phone banks with some amazing Texas state house candidates. You won't want to miss this opportunity to support Democrats up and down the ballot!

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If you've been waiting for your chance to hop in and get involved this election, but have been waiting for the right moment, let's be clear: The right moment is now! 

Tomorrow, we're kicking off phone banks with amazing state house candidates from around Texas. Our goal is to make sure voters across our great state know the names of every Democrat on their ballot, from the presidential ticket all the way down to the state house, so no Texan is confused about which candidates are fighting for us — for all of us. Will you join us and make calls this week, Jason?

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with local candidates and Beto
Monday, August 31, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Virtual Phone Bank with local candidates and Beto
Wednesday, September 2, 6:30 pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

We're not going into November with anything left on the table. Are you?

See you on the dialer,
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