Friday, August 21, 2020

Our goal for November

We have made over 20 million Texas voter contact attempts so far this year and our goal

Dear Jason,

I'm excited to share with you that we have now made over 20 million Texas voter contact attempts so far this year. This is person to person outreach. Not TV ads or tweets, not Facebook messages or robocalls. Real human connection that ensures we are talking and listening to the voters who will determine the outcome of this election.

By knocking on doors before the pandemic hit, and taking to the phones after it was no longer safe to canvass in person, Powered by People volunteers have reached out to more Texas voters than just about anyone thought was possible. Maybe even enough voters to help decide the outcome of the most important elections of our lives.

But we're not going to stop now, or even slow down.

In fact, over the next 74 days we plan to double that number, personally reaching out to literally every registered voter in the state. And you can join us on a future phone bank to make sure we do it.

This voter contact effort will produce the biggest, most accurate and most actionable list of likely Democratic voters in the state of Texas.

That means that our candidates - whether running for state rep, U.S. Congress or the White House - will be able to turn out the voters most likely to vote for them. They won't waste their time calling Trump voters or wrong numbers, because our volunteers will have already attempted those calls and will strike those names and numbers from the final list.

At a moment when our candidates can't campaign in person, or hold rallies and town halls, they will be able to focus 100% of their efforts on confirmed Democratic voters.

That's how we win a Democratic majority in the State House; that's how we win more seats in Congress and help MJ Hegar defeat John Cornyn; and that's the best way to ensure Joe Biden has a chance to become the first Democratic nominee to win Texas since 1976.

We'd love to have your help at an upcoming phone bank to continue this work and make sure we meet the ambitious goals we've set for ourselves and Texas.

Next week, in partnership with Congresswoman Veronica Escobar, we are going to focus our phone banks on Texas border communities — counties that are 80-95% Mexican-American, the places hit hardest by COVID (like the Rio Grande Valley where they are storing bodies in refrigerated trucks because they've run out of space in the morgues and funeral homes), to make sure that no voter is taken for granted, no matter how reliably Democratic, no matter how far from the centers of power. And to ensure that ultimately there is justice and accountability in our democracy.

I hope you'll join Congresswoman Escobar and me on that phone bank. You can sign up for that here:

Get more info or RSVP »

In summary: we've called a hell of a lot of people over the last few months. But we could double that number if more volunteers step up and join this effort. If that happens, our chances of winning the Texas House, the U.S. Senate and the White House dramatically increase.

It literally depends on you.

See you soon,


Beto sitting at his desk, looking at a tablet with a Zoom call on the screen.

I joined nearly 300 volunteers on Wednesday night's Powered by People phone bank. In just over one hour we made over 112,000 phone calls to Texas voters.



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