Monday, October 23, 2023

People ask me all the time: Do we really need a Constitutional amendment on guns?

No gun law is safe. Not laws passed in California, not laws passed in Congress.
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Jason -

People ask me all the time: Do we really need a Constitutional amendment on guns?

Yes. Yes we do.

Because as long as there are far-right judges overturning commonsense gun laws — no law is safe. Not laws passed in California, not laws passed in Congress.

Look at this — all in the last two months:

Far-right judge overturns California's assault weapons ban.

Today, a right-wing, NRA puppet — Judge Roger Benitez— tried to strip away CA's three-decade-old assault weapon ban — comparing an assault rifle to a knife. An absolute disgrace. This is exactly why America needs a constitutional amendment to enshrine commonsense gun safety reforms. Until then, extremist judges will continue to tear down the will of the American people.

Far-right judge overturns California's high-capacity magazine ban.

BREAKING: California's high-capacity magazine ban was just STRUCK DOWN by Judge Benitez, an extremist, right-wing zealot with no regard to human life. Wake up, America. Our gun safety laws will continue to be thrown out by NRA-owned federal judges until we pass a Constitutional Amendment to protect our kids and end the gun violence epidemic in America.

Far-right judges overturn California's bill stopping gun manufacturers from marketing weapons of war to our kids.

NEW: A panel of right-wing judges just blocked our bill that stopped gun manufacturers from marketing weapons of war to kids. This is pure insanity. Guns are now the leading cause of death for kids. And what are we doing? Allowing folks to promote 'junior' AR-15s with sick cartoons like the one below.

Wake up.

Any gun safety law will continue to be thrown out by NRA-owned federal judges until we pass a Constitutional amendment to make our communities safer from gun violence.

- Gavin


πŸ‘‰πŸ» Hi. Please don't click away just yet. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

All across the country, rights are being rolled-back in real-time by Republicans with a zest for demonization. We are going to go on the road and on offense — in red states too — and take the fight to statehouses, local communities, and electoral battlegrounds to save our democracy.

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