Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Last night’s victories and how we helped

I wanted to reach out directly to say thank you for the help many of you gave.
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Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio and more...

By now you've no doubt seen the news of Democratic hard-fought victories in many of the big elections that happened yesterday.

Today, I wanted to reach out directly to say thank you for the help many of you gave.

Together, we made a difference. That's something I've heard directly, and something I thought important to share with you, as well.

You contributed almost $150,000 to Governor Andy Beshear in Kentucky. I can tell you first-hand, Andy was amazed at the response to the emails we sent. No one over there expected $75,000 from a single email, but that's what you did. Twice in a row.

Tweet from Governor Andy Beshear: 'To my fellow Kentuckians: Thank you. This is our chance to turn these four years of progress into decades of prosperity for your kids and mine. Let's make it happen together. ^AB'

You donated more than $100,000 directly to the Democratic Party of Virginia where Democrats are now in control of both the State Senate and House of Delegates. Big victories to protect against the rest of Glenn Youngkin's term.

Tweet from @TheDemocrats: 'Democrats held the Virginia state Senate and flipped the state House from red to blue—stopping Republicans' plans to pass an abortion ban and protecting reproductive freedom in the Commonwealth.'

You gave — just this week and in a few hours notice — almost $70,000 to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party where they won key judicial races that will have an important impact protecting against any attempts by Donald Trump to overturn the 2024 election.

Tweet from @PhillyInquirer: 'Democrat Dan McCaffery was elected to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday, extending the Democrats' majority on the state's highest court and reinforcing the fact that abortion rights and the integrity of elections are top of mind for Pa. voters.'

So far this election cycle, you have contributed more than $2.2 million from more than 110,000 small-dollar donations directly to party committees and candidates across the country in response to emails like this one.

Thank you.

Thank you to those who gave.

And thank you to those of you who are even just reading this email. Even opening these messages is important, if you can believe it.

Now it's on to 2024 with enthusiasm and the wind at our backs.

- Gavin


ℹ️ Hi. Please don't click away just yet. 🇺🇸

All across the country, rights are being rolled-back in real-time by Republicans with a zest for demonization. We are going to go on the road and on offense — in red states too — and take the fight to statehouses, local communities, and electoral battlegrounds to save our democracy.

If everyone reading this donated just $20, we could support every "Red State" party across the country and give Democrats a chance to win EVERYWHERE. If that sounds worth it and important to you, please donate $20 to the Campaign for Democracy today. Thank you.

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