Saturday, January 20, 2024

A whole new level of cruelty.

Now you know why Republican leaders fan the flames of the culture wars.
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Jason —

The Republican Party thinks the most important issue for our kids is drag shows — not gun violence or child hunger.

Fifteen Republican governors have rejected federal money granting food insecure families money to put food on the table.

Mississippi — a state with one of the highest rates of food insecurity in the country:

Tweet from Gavin Newsom:'The newly elected Governor of Mississippi's values on full display.'


Tweet from Gavin Newsom:'Tell me again how the @GOP are


Tweet from AP: 'Iowa won't participate in US food assistance program for kids this summer'

South Carolina (more on this next week):

Tweet from @SCDP: 'Henry McMaster chose to turn down federal $$$ to ensure children in South Carolina have meals over the Summer. According to the @SCGOP

Look at the states that have rejected aid:

Tweet from @KBAndersen: '	15 GOP governors refuse to let impoverished families use a new federal summer program that grants $120 per child to buy food at grocery stores and farmers markets. Why? Reynolds, Iowa:

Look at some of the states with the highest food insecurity rates in the country according to the U.S. Census Bureau (the dark green ones):

Map of US food insecurity

Now you know why Republican leaders fan the flames of the culture wars. It's to distract from the fact that on health, wealth and economic outcomes, they are failing.

You may not know this, but California was the first state to provide free breakfast and lunch to all 6 million public school students — the largest population of students to receive free meals, regardless of income status.

Meanwhile, Republicans are out there denying available federal funds to feed hungry children... a whole new level of cruelty.

- Gavin Newsom


β„Ή️ Hi. Please don't click away just yet. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

All across the country, rights are being rolled-back in real-time by Republicans with a zest for demonization. We are going to go on the road and on offense — in red states too — and take the fight to statehouses, local communities, and electoral battlegrounds to save our democracy.

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