Monday, January 22, 2024

President Biden asked me to go to South Carolina

Do something that will make you feel like you made a difference for the future of our country today:
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That is the donation I am asking you to make directly to the South Carolina Democratic Party before I travel to the state at the request of President Biden. Yes, just $3.

$3 because South Carolina Democrats are fighting back against a Republican Governor who rejected federal money for hungry children who need food assistance over the summer.

$3 because the South Carolina Democratic Party is leading the fight to claw away at Republican majorities in the legislature and to win local seats across the state.

$3 because Democrats need to fight not just in Blue and Purple states, but we need to take the fight directly to Republicans states too – because kids In South Carolina don't deserve to suffer from hunger.

Truth is, I know there is no way you woke up this morning, sprung out of bed and thought "today is the day I donate to the South Carolina Democratic Party."

But that's what I am asking you to do. Your $3 along with many other people doing the same as you as read this will help them win critical races they wouldn't otherwise win in 2024, which will lay the foundation for greater gains in the years ahead.

What do you say? Do something that will make you feel like you made a difference for the future of our country today:

Can I count on you to use this link to contribute $3 directly to the South Carolina Democratic Party? I'll be arriving there tomorrow ahead of President Biden and would love to come with a story of our support for their work.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you in advance for chipping-in. It means a lot to me. Keep an eye on South Carolina!

- Gavin


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