Friday, July 21, 2023

SC, VA, NC, & MS

If Democrats did just 5% better in rural areas, we would see a huge sea change in our political outcomes and landscape.
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Jason -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison's Dirt Road Democrats PAC. This is an important ask, at an important moment. So please give me a chance to explain why this request matters so much.

Unless that's all you need to hear, in that case, contribute here:

Here is the truth:

If Democrats did just 5% better in rural areas, we would see a huge sea change in our political outcomes and landscape. But too often, those areas are written-off by Democrats. We just don't compete.

But the truth is, people in rural areas are concerned about the cost of prescription drugs, too. They want to retire with dignity. Their states have higher per-capita rates of firearm deaths. They are impacted by climate change, too.

The Dirt Road Democrats are leading the fight to persuade and turnout rural voters this cycle. So please:

Contribute $5 to help them win the mayoral race in Greenville, South Carolina where we have a popular city councilwoman running a winnable race against a 6-term Republican incumbent.

Contribute $5 to help them win in Mississippi where 65 percent of the electorate is young people or people of color. Tate Reeves is one of the most disreputable governor's in America, and we can get him out.

Contribute $5 to help in North Carolina, where Dirt Road Democrats work will stop Republicans from winning a supermajority, where they are currently one vote short.

Contribute $5 to help Dirt Road Democrats' work in rural Virginia where control of both chambers of the state legislature are up-for-grabs.

Please use this link to give, Jason. It would mean a lot to me, personally:

Can I count on you to contribute $5, $10 or whatever you can afford today to Jaime Harrison's Dirt Road Democrats PAC? It all adds up when we're all chipping-in, and some of these rural races and areas can be impacted by our collective action today.

Or select an amount below to contribute to Jaime Harrison's Dirt Road Democrats:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll instantly process your contribution to Dirt Road Democrats PAC:

Thank you in advance for stepping up today. This is critical work to help us win important races in this cycle, and to build an enduring Democratic majority for generations to come. Your help will go a long way.

All my best,

Gavin Newsom



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Sacramento, CA 95815

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