Friday, January 5, 2024

Another school shooting… it doesn’t have to be this way

We are the only developed country on Earth where these kinds of shootings happen in schools with regularity.
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Jason -

It doesn't have to be this way.

We are the only developed country on Earth where these kinds of shootings happen in schools with regularity.

What does it say when guns are the leading cause of death for kids in America, and we do NOTHING to fix it? Worse, there are Republican governors and members of Congress who actually want to make it easier for dangerous people to get guns and carry them in public.


Tweet from Gavin Newsom: 'This is how Iowa students are starting off the new year. We don't have to live like this. We need to pass a Constitutional Amendment to prevent gun violence.'

We know how to fix this problem.

And if Congress won't, and if right-wing judges won't let us… then we need a Constitutional Amendment to make our communities safer from gun violence.

- Gavin Newsom


☀️ Wait wait wait! Don't go just yet. 🔥

Far-right Republicans and the NRA will attack us and do whatever they can to stop our progress in the fight to amend the Constitution on guns.

But the good news is that the people are on our side, the facts are on our side, and if we stick together we are going to get this done and save lives. It may not happen soon, but you have to believe it will happen.

Gavin Newsom's pledge to you is every donation made today will go right toward our fight to pass a Constitutional amendment on guns. If that sounds worth it to you, please contribute $20 today.

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Sacramento, CA 95815

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