Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A brand new sticker. We want to mail you one!

We made some themed stickers on the assault weapons ban, and want as many people as possible to have one. Donate any amount today and we'll send you a sticker.

Beto for America


The minute we file our FEC fundraising report, our opponents and the press are going to look at how much we raised. They're going to see the numbers as a measure of how much support exists behind Beto's policies, especially the assault weapons ban we've championed.

So for a limited time we will be giving everyone who donates on this email one of these themed stickers. Can you add a contribution of any amount now? Everyone who gives will get one of these stickers in the mail:

Get your sticker now

You can donate anything on the links in this email and we'll send you a sticker. But at the end of the day, this is about us showing the strongest possible numbers to demonstrate how many people back Beto's strong stance on guns. 

The average donation to Beto this past week is about $22. If you can afford to give a little more than that, it'd be a big help.

Thanks so much! We hope you enjoy the stickers.

- Team Beto


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