Wednesday, September 18, 2019

@realDonaldTrump tweet

Donald Trump woke up this morning, got on his phone, and tweeted about Beto. You have to see it...

Beto for America

Trump is attacking Beto:

Trump tweet

Say you're with Beto by donating $10 right now.

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Donald Trump woke up this morning, picked up his phone, and tweeted at Beto. He blamed us for his own inaction on gun violence. 

Yes, Beto wants to buy back every assault weapon. He also wants background checks, red flag laws, and a gun licensing program. So do the American people!

The only thing stopping Trump from taking action is his own cowardice.

Can you donate $10 to help us send that message today? Every donation is a show of support for decisive action to stop gun violence.

Contribute $10 now

It's all happening on his watch. Thirty mass shootings during his presidency, and 40,000 gun deaths each and every year.

If Trump won't do the right thing, we have to defeat him and elect a president who will.

- Team Beto


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