Wednesday, September 25, 2019

📎 Jason's supporter record 📎

Everything we do — this entire campaign — is 100% funded and supported by people like you giving to emails like these.

Beto for America

Jason, does this look right to you? 

We've been looking over our records before end of quarter and it looks like you haven't yet made a gift to help us reach our $750,000 goal:

Supporter name: Jason Ambrose 
Supporter ID: ID #4932892
Contributed to our goal? Not yet
Suggested Contribution: $10

The goals we set aren't arbitrary numbers made up by our finance team. They're based on what we need to bring in to keep everything moving forward as planned. Whether or not we reach our goals does have a real and major impact on the future of our campaign.

Your gift, right now, will help us reach our goal and make sure that we have the resources we need to keep this campaign going strong. Can you give your suggested contribution of $10 today?

Contribute $10

From day one, we said no to PAC money, we turned down corporations, we brushed off the lobbyists, and we rejected special interests. That means everything we do — this entire campaign — is 100% funded and supported by people like you giving to emails like these. 

Relying on folks like you to fund this campaign means Beto can spend less time fundraising and more time out on the campaign trail, listening to voters and personally visiting marginalized communities. 

It means Beto can speak his mind, declaring from the national debate stage that "hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15" without first having to worry about what some billionaire or PAC will think. 

Beto can be Beto exactly because we have grassroots supporters like you funding us every step of the way.

But, for all of this to continue, we need to hit our $750,000 end of quarter goal — which means we need you to pitch in and make your suggested contribution. Can you give $10 to keep our 100% grassroots people-powered campaign going strong?

And, as always, thank you for your support, 

- Team Beto 

Contribute $10


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