Friday, September 20, 2019

NRA ads

The NRA put up a series of ads trying to demonize Beto and our plan to stop gun violence. Here's a sample:

Beto said it loud and clear during the debate: We are going to buy back every single assault weapon.

Now we're facing attacks. The NRA put up a series of ads trying to demonize Beto and our plan to stop gun violence. Here's a sample:

It's not just the NRA. Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Fox News are relentlessly going after Beto. On TV, on social media, and in the press.

But we have a chance to prove that, despite these attacks, our movement to end gun violence is only growing stronger.

In just 10 days we have a critical FEC deadline. Our fundraising numbers will be made public, and they'll be seen as a sign of whether or not the American people agree with Beto.

Can you make a $10 donation now to say you have Beto's back on this one? It's especially important before the FEC deadline.

Donate $10 now

This is a big moment. Let's show that no matter the consequences, no matter how many cheap shots and attacks they throw our way, we're always going to do the right thing.

- Team Beto


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