Sunday, September 22, 2019

Survey on guns

We collected a lot of interesting responses, but it looks like you haven't filled it out yet. Can you take a moment to let us know your opinion on the issue?

Beto for America

Jason, yesterday we sent out a short but important survey on guns.

We collected a lot of interesting responses, but it looks like you haven't filled it out yet. Can you take a moment to let us know your opinion on the issue?

Here's the first question:

Some Democrats in Congress, and some of our opponents, have said that Beto is hurting our chance to pass gun reforms by advocating for a mandatory assault weapons buyback program. What do you think?

Take the survey →

As we said yesterday, we want to make sure we hear from everyone on this one, because Beto's been in the news a lot lately talking about how we can end the gun violence epidemic.

- Team Beto


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