Friday, September 13, 2019

Last night’s debate

Last night was great. Maybe it was home field advantage in Texas. I just felt so encouraged by all the texts, the donations, the tweets, and everything. I'm so grateful you're all in this with us.

Beto for America


Last night was great. Maybe it was home field advantage in Texas. I just felt so encouraged by all the texts, the donations, the tweets. I'm so grateful you're all in this with us.

Almost the minute I walked off stage, Cynthia came over and said, "Beto, the fundraising is going so well. We just had our best hour of the quarter." It was so great to hear, and much needed heading into this big FEC deadline.

Now we've got to keep up this momentum and energy. If you haven't already, or if you can again, please make a donation to our campaign.

Donate $10 now

All the donations we are raising today will help us put out an FEC fundraising report that shows the strength, depth, and viability of this campaign

But it's more than that. When you donate or volunteer, you are sending a message that you're tired of politics as usual. We haven't taken a poll on a single issue. I have no idea how an assault weapons buyback polls — it doesn't matter. We're going to do what's right, not what's politically convenient.

Going forward, we'll keep telling the truth. On guns, on immigration, or health care, we're not going to be shy. We're going to play offense for the things we believe, not defense. And the best way to press our case is from a position of strength, which is why building on our fundraising matters so much now.

If this is the kind of campaign you want to be part of, make a donation right now and let's show how strong we are heading into this next FEC fundraising deadline.

Again, thank you. Thank you for coming out to our town halls and rallies. Thank you for making that $5, $10, or $15 donation. Thank you for hosting an event at your house. Thank you for believing that, in this moment of consequence, we can build a new kind of politics together.

I couldn't be more pumped to be in this with people like you.




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