Saturday, September 21, 2019

Important survey (responses needed)

Can you take a short survey on guns? We need to know where you stand. Here's the first question:

Beto for America


Beto's been in the news a lot lately talking about guns. We've attracted a lot of predictable attacks from the NRA and Donald Trump. Now some Democrats in Congress, and one of our opponents, are saying Beto has gone too far.

They're worried about the politics of a mandatory buyback program. But we're not concerned about the politics. We want to do what's right for the American people. Everywhere Beto goes, he's listening to gun owners and non-gun owners alike on this issue. We really want to hear from you -- the people who have supported this campaign from the beginning -- on where you stand.

Can you take a short survey on guns? Here's the first question:

Some Democrats in Congress, and some of our opponents, have said that Beto is hurting our chance to pass gun reforms by advocating for a mandatory assault weapons buyback program. What do you think?

Take the survey →

Once you're done filling out the survey, make sure to forward this email to friends or share our survey on social media. It's critical we get as many peoples' opinions on this one as we can.

- Team Beto


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