Wednesday, October 27, 2021


I want to be transparent and share an important number with you today.

Powered By People

Jason, I want to be transparent and share an important number with you today.

$21.68 — That's our average online donation so far this month. It may not seem like much, but it's folks like you donating $21.68 — sometimes more, sometimes less — who support our work to protect our democracy.

Our work is 100% funded by grassroots donations from people like you because we believe it's people who should be powering change — not corporations or special interests.

Jason, if you're able, could you make a donation of $21.68, or whatever amount makes sense to you, before our end-of-month fundraising deadline on Sunday? Every dollar makes a difference in the fight to make the change we want to see in Texas.

Contribute $21.68

$21.68 is more than a dollar amount, Jason — it represents the movement we're building to elect leaders who care about the issues important to Texans.

$21.68 means clipboards and pens for our volunteers to take when canvassing their neighborhoods. It means funds to travel to every corner of the state to register new voters and speak with Texans who feel left out of our political system. And it means having the resources to go up against bad actors in Texas.

Here's the truth: It won't be super PACs or mega-donors that save Texas, it will be everyday folks chipping in $21.68 or whatever they can.

So, will you chip in and show your support for Powered by People today? With the 2022 midterms coming up, we have a lot of work ahead to register hundreds of thousands of new voters.

Thank you,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People

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