Tuesday, October 12, 2021

re: GOP gerrymandering

Texas Republicans are taking every measure imaginable to shore up their power and weaken the votes of young, diverse, and Democratic-leaning Texans.

Powered By People


In April, the results of the 2020 census came out, showing that since Texas gained the most residents of any state in the past decade, it would gain two new congressional seats.

Here's where things stand now:

The New York Times Headline
The Texas Tribune Headline

Texas Republicans are taking every measure imaginable to unfairly shore up their power and weaken the votes of young, diverse, and Democratic-leaning Texans. Jason, unfortunately, this isn't a surprise – the Texas GOP has been becoming more extreme for years. That's why Powered by People has been doing the work to counteract their attacks on democracy.

Our Texas volunteers are registering thousands of new voters in their communities — and on the national level, we're calling on the federal government to pass the For the People Act to protect our voting rights and ban gerrymandering.

If we're going to fight back against the GOP's racist gerrymandering and protect the right to vote, we need all hands on deck. Please, chip in now to support our work to register hundreds of thousands of new voters, elect Democrats, and protect our democracy.

Contribute $10

Over the last decade, Texas has gained nearly two million Hispanic residents and more than 500,000 Black residents – but even with the addition of two new congressional districts, the new GOP-drawn Texas congressional map will not have a single majority-Latino or majority-Black congressional district.

In addition, the GOP doubled the number of safe Republican districts and cut the number of competitive districts from 12 to one. And the same pattern is playing out in state legislative districts where Republicans are desperately trying to stay in power after passing an extreme voter suppression law and six-week abortion ban.

Thanks to the constant organizing work of Powered by People volunteers, the past two elections have brought Texas closer to flipping blue than ever before. Now, we need to fight back against the GOP's latest voter suppression schemes and flip Texas blue once and for all.

Jason, Powered by People is doing the work right now to elect Democrats in 2022 and beyond. Will you donate $10 or more so we can continue our door knocks, phone banks, and voter registration events across Texas?

Thank you for being a part of this,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People

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