Saturday, October 23, 2021

I want to tell you why I'm a part of Powered by People

With every door knock, phone call, and new voter registered, Powered by People is doing the work now to make the changes we want to see in Texas.

Powered By People


Today, I want to tell you a little about why I am so proud to be a part of Powered by People.

As a Texan, a mother, and a voter, I've been angry and sick watching the GOP harm our democracy over the past years. In just this year alone, the far-right state legislature – under the direction of Governor Greg Abbott – passed an extreme voter suppression bill, a restrictive abortion ban, and is currently in the process of gerrymandering our state to tighten their power.

It's easy to lose motivation in these moments. But the incredible Powered by People volunteers always renew my faith. With every door knock, phone call, and new voter registered, Powered by People is doing the work now to make the changes we want to see in Texas.

Jason, if you're in this movement, will you please make a $10 donation to Powered by People today? Together, we can fight back against the GOP's abuse of our democracy by connecting with and turning out as many voters as possible.

Contribute $10

Since 2019, Powered by People volunteers have organized over 20,000 volunteers, made over 76 million voter contact attempts, and registered over 250,000 likely Democratic voters. And right now, our volunteers are on the ground registering new voters wherever they are – college campuses, community events, even their own doorsteps.

I'm proud to be a part of Powered by People because of the work we're doing, and every incredible person who is willing to get involved with us and stand up for what they truly believe in.

With your support, we can continue this work and expand our efforts to reach even more Texans. Please, donate what you can today to help fund our organizing work.

Thank you for being a part of this,

Cynthia Cano
Powered by People

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