Monday, October 4, 2021

We've been working nonstop

Beto and Powered by People volunteers are doing the work now to register new voters and organize our communities so we can make the change we want to see in Texas!

Powered By People


Powered by People volunteers have been working nonstop lately to protect and expand our democracy.

From Laredo to Austin, our volunteers are showing up everywhere — college campuses, farmers markets, and even on their neighbor's doorstop — to register new voters.

Two Powered by People volunteers sitting at a table registering new vot4ers.

In honor of National Voter Registration Day, our amazing ambassadors registered OVER 1,000 new Texas voters — and even made the news!

Goal to register 2,022 new voters ahead of 2022

We're showing up now, with over a year until the 2022 election, because the fight for our rights can't afford to take a break.

That's why Beto and Powered by People volunteers marched in the Women's Marches that took place over the weekend. With reproductive freedoms under the most extreme attack since Roe v. Wade, it's on us to register new Texas voters to help elect officials who will stand up for abortion rights.

Seven Powered by People volunteers at a rally for abortion access.

Powered by People is working to protect the rights of all Texans and build an inclusive democracy. Will you make a $10 or more donation today to support Powered by People's work to register new voters, flip Texas blue, and elect leaders who care about Texans?

Contribute $10

Jason, it's plain and simple: Texas Republicans are trying to take away Texans' rights. They have passed extraordinarily restrictive abortion and voter suppression laws — all while ignoring the current COVID-19 crisis and our power grid.

It's going to take each and every one of us to put an end to this chaos and cruelty and elect pro-choice, pro-democracy leaders in 2022. Beto and Powered by People volunteers are doing the work now to register new voters and organize our communities so we can make the change we want to see in Texas!

We're going to fight for our democracy with everything we've got. If you're ready to be a part of this movement, will you make a donation of $10 or more right now?

Thank you for your support,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People

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