Sunday, October 31, 2021

We rely on support from people like you

We set a goal to raise $20,000 by midnight.

Powered By People


Yesterday, Kate announced our goal to raise $20,000 in grassroots gifts before midnight tonight to hit our October fundraising projections.

Powered by People is doing the work now to make the changes we want to see in Texas, but we rely on support from grassroots donors — like you — to fund our organizing. Please, will you chip in $10 or more to help reach our must-hit $20,000 fundraising goal before midnight?

Contribute $10

Since 2019, Powered by People has served as a necessary check against Texas Republicans' undemocratic power grabs. This year, we're planning ahead to turn out record-breaking numbers of Texas voters in 2022 and beyond. Here's exactly where your next $10 contribution will go:

  • Organizing all over Texas: For far too many years, politicians have shrugged off some areas as too Republican or places where it's impossible to get people to the polls. Powered by People believes in investing everywhere — it's why Beto and our volunteers have been canvassing and phone banking in places like Laredo all year.

  • Fighting back against Governor Abbott and the Texas GOP's voter suppression scheme: For months, Powered by People has been rallying against the chorus of Republican voter suppression bills introduced in the state legislature. Now, we're working to make sure SB 1 doesn't go into effect by calling for federal legislation to protect our voting rights.

  • Registering hundreds of thousands of new Texas voters: We know the key to electing leaders who care about the issues important to Texans is voter engagement. So, Powered by People volunteers are registering new voters wherever they are – college campuses, community events, even their own doorsteps.

Jason, every $10 contribution from people like you goes directly to forging a more inclusive democracy. If you can, please chip in today to help grow our movement. Together we will hit our $20,000 goal and make real change in Texas.

Thank you,

Powered by People

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