Tuesday, October 5, 2021

How to make a difference:

Beto has answers for your questions!

Powered By People


A few weeks back, we reached out and asked if you had any questions for Beto. Nearly 2,000 folks reached out with questions – ranging from book recommendations to questions on how to defend our democracy.

After going through every question, our team picked out some of our favorites for Beto to answer. You can read some of his answers below! But first, if you can, please consider making a donation of $10 or more today to fund the important work that Beto outlines in his answers.

How do I get trained to help register voters for future elections?

Texas was already the toughest state in which to register to vote and cast a ballot, and with the recent passage of the SB 1 voter suppression bill, it's only become harder. By getting certified as a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR), you can make the process easier for folks by registering voters in your community – and help us take back our state in 2022.

I encourage you to click here to find all the information you need to become a VDR in your county. And then I hope you will consider joining our team of Powered by People Ambassadors – our statewide team of over 1,000 VDRs who have registered about a quarter-million Texans to vote in just the past year and a half. You can click here to learn how to become an Ambassador with us.

What are you reading these days? Any good books to recommend?

I am reading Woody Guthrie's "Bound for Glory" to my son Henry.

How are donations spent in this organization?

Donations from our supporters help ensure we have a steady stream of resources to register, engage, and turn out the voters who will make the difference in 2022 – everything from voting rights rallies to phone banks to in-person canvasses and voter registration events. Donations also allow us to support exciting Democratic candidates and organizers in Texas, who are helping bring about the change we want to see in Texas.

Powered by People volunteers are doing this work in some of the toughest, hardest to reach areas with some of the lowest turnout rates in the entire country. Take Laredo, for example: like other communities along the border, voter turnout in Laredo was just about 50% in 2020. Instead of hiring a bunch of political analysts to tell us why people down there aren't voting, we're reaching out and asking the voters themselves. Through phone banks, deep canvassing, and having these conversations one-on-one, we've learned a lot about what issues matter most to folks, and what it's going to take for them to vote in the future. You can read a recent Laredo Morning Times article about our Laredo-based volunteers here.

Like Beto said, action is the antidote to despair, Jason. And donations from our supporters help ensure we are able to support our volunteers in taking action. So please, make a donation of $10 today to fund this important work ahead of 2022.

Contribute $10

We hope that Beto's answers to your questions help inspire you on a path of action ahead of the 2022 midterms. This work couldn't be more urgent, and every donation you can give or hour you spend making calls helps make a huge difference in our mission to flip Texas blue and defend our democracy.

Thanks again for your support, Jason. We'll be sending out another round of Beto's answers soon!

–Powered by People

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