Monday, October 25, 2021

Why do people volunteer with Powered by People?

Texas Republicans want to silence us. We're fighting back.

Powered By People


As you probably know, Texas Republicans just created hyper-partisan redistricting maps that unfairly shore up their power and weaken the votes of young, diverse, and Democratic-leaning Texans. So we're fighting back.

Right now, Powered by People is working on the ground, doing what we do best: bringing people together to protect democracy in Texas. Our volunteers are registering thousands of new voters in communities all over the state — keep scrolling to see for yourself! 

Check out the pictures below, then help us send even more volunteers out into their Texas communities by chipping in your next donation to Powered by People today.

Picture of volunteers

Picture of volunteers

Picture of volunteers

Picture of volunteers

Picture of volunteers

Why are so many Texans taking the time and energy to volunteer with Powered by People?

Here's one statistic to put it in perspective, Jason. Over the last decade, Texas has gained nearly two million Hispanic residents and more than 500,000 Black residents – yet the new GOP-drawn Texas congressional map increases the number of majority-white districts, reduces the number of majority-Latino districts, and doesn't include a single majority-Black district. 

People all over Texas are fed up with Republicans' racist gerrymandering tactics and obsession with diluting voter power. They're ready to do something about it — and Powered by People is organizing those people as volunteers who can register their neighbors, families, and community members to VOTE.

Leading up to the last presidential election, we registered over 250,000 likely-Democratic Texas voters. With your support, we can register even more before the 2022 midterms. Please, chip in now to support our growing grassroots volunteer team as they fight, voter by voter, to protect democracy in Texas.

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Jason, the best way you can support the tireless organizing work of Powered by People volunteers is to chip in something today, even if it's just the cost of a cup of coffee. Every single donation helps us fight back against the GOP's latest voter suppression schemes and brings us closer to making the change we want to see in Texas.

In solidarity,

Powered by People

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