Saturday, October 30, 2021

This couldn’t be more urgent

Republican lawmakers are taking attacks on democracy to a new level.

Powered By People


The work that Powered by People is doing in Texas couldn't be more urgent.

Texas has a long and dark history of voter suppression. But in the past months, we've seen Republican lawmakers take attacks on democracy to a new level — passing extreme voting restrictions and approving a new electoral map that consolidates GOP power. 

With democracy at stake, we can't afford to slow down. Right now, Powered by People is organizing volunteers, registering voters, and laying the groundwork for a blue Texas. That's why we're setting a goal of raising another $20,000 in grassroots donations before the end of October — to make sure we don't miss a beat in our critical work to counter Republican-led voter suppression.

It's going to take all of us to reach our $20,000 grassroots goal before midnight tomorrow. Jason, will you chip in your next $10 donation to Powered by People's October goal and join our work to preserve democracy?

Contribute $10

The 2022 election might be over a year away, but Beto and Powered by People volunteers are fighting for Texas as if it's tomorrow. The stakes are just that high.

Now, with our October 31 deadline just one day away, we're counting on this grassroots movement to support our work, so we can continue to create the change we want to see in Texas despite Republicans' best efforts to silence our voices.

Meeting our $20,000 end-of-month goal will ensure we can stay on track with our goals to connect with, register, and turn out voters in all 254 Texas counties. You can play a vital role in our work as a grassroots donor, Jason. Consider chipping in to put us one contribution closer to our goal — any amount helps.

Thank you for helping make history in Texas, Jason.

—Kate Roberts, Powered by People

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