Sunday, October 10, 2021

We want to talk about some numbers

Powered by People Student Fellows are doing the work now to build a better, more responsive government.

Powered By People


We know that a lot of the time when we talk about what our movement has accomplished, we have really big numbers to show for it like 250,000 new registered voters and 76 million voter contacts.

But today, we want to talk about something different: Our work on six college campuses to register a historic number of students to vote.

Here's what's so important about this, Jason: Texas has one of the largest populations of young people in the country — and their turnout could be the key to making the change we want to see in Texas. Every new Student Fellow and new voter brings us one step closer to turning Texas blue — and these numbers are just the start!

It's one of the reasons the Texas GOP has been fighting so hard to restrict the right to vote. SB 1, the extreme voter suppression bill signed into law by Governor Abbott last month, has specific restrictions on early voting, mail-in ballot applications, and ID requirements for voting-by-mail that directly impact students' ability to vote.

Jason, our Student Fellows are doing the work now to build a better, more responsive government and to elect leaders that truly represent the people of Texas. Please, donate $10 or more to support our Student Fellows' work to register new voters, fight against voter suppression, and protect our democracy.

Contribute $10

Take a moment to learn more about this work from our Student Fellow Organizing Manager, MacKenzie Jenkins:

"From the time I have been eligible to vote, I have observed many efforts to intimidate and dissuade voter engagement, especially with young people, people of color, and voters with disabilities. My hope is that minority voters across Texas will continue to use voting as an important tool in ensuring our officials value not just our vote, but our voice too.

It is really encouraging registering new voters, and seeing them become excited about the power they have in voting for people who they believe will positively influence their local community and state. At almost every voter registration event there is at least one student who will say, 'I'm going to call my mom and tell her I got registered to vote!' You can really feel their excitement and it is heartening to see the impact of this work so closely."

Jason, Powered by People is committed to registering hundreds of thousands of new voters in Texas wherever they are — on college campuses, at community centers, even at their doorsteps. Please, chip in now to support our work to turn out the most voters Texas has ever seen and elect Democrats in 2022 and beyond.

Thank you,

Powered by People

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