Saturday, October 16, 2021

[Photos inside] What our Student Fellows have been up to

Our Student Fellows are registering new voters and organizing on six college campuses to elect leaders that truly represent the people of Texas.

Powered By People


The past two elections have seen higher turnout in Texas than ever before thanks to consistent organizing in every single Texas county. Now, we need to build on that groundwork for 2022 and all the elections to come. That's exactly what our Student Fellows are doing.

Young voters more than doubled their share of the early vote from 2016 to 2020 — and young Texans overwhelmingly lean Democratic. That's why our Student Fellows are registering new voters and organizing on six college campuses to elect leaders that truly represent the people of Texas.

Take a look, Jason:

Picture of Student Fellows

Powered by People Student Fellows are organizing at Prairie View A&M University, Huston-Tillotson University, Stephen F. Austin State University, University of Houston, Texas State University, and Texas A&M International University to register every new potential voter.

With students moving from different cities and states to attend school in Texas, it's important to make sure everyone eligible is registered to vote. And every single time our Student Fellows show up, new voters are registered!

Picture of Student Fellows

Jason, every grassroots donation from supporters like you helps directly power this work. Will you make a $10 or more donation today to support our Student Fellows' work to register new voters, engage young adults in our democracy, and flip Texas blue?

Contribute $10

Powered by People volunteers have been working hard to expand and protect the rights of Texans all year. And since they've been back on campus, our Student Fellows have been no exception. They're bringing the same energy our movement had rallying for voting rights this summer directly to college campuses.

It's plain and simple. While Powered by People is trying to include more people in our democracy, Texas Republicans are trying to make it harder for students to vote. Defeating bad actors in Texas isn't going to be easy — it will take a multi-year effort centered around community organizing and voter registration.

That's why Powered by People is doing the work now, with just over a year to go until November 2022. If you're ready to be a part of this movement, will you make a donation of $10 or more right now?

Thank you for your support,

Powered by People

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