We must do all we can to turn out voters in Texas for this election if we're going to succeed in this work.

People have been voting in historic numbers this election. This is important. In a democracy, our votes are our voice. Democracy is the work of our people as we continue the march to a more perfect union.
This is Luci Baines Johnson asking you to make sure your vote is cast so it can count. Today is the last day of early voting in Texas, so please get to the polls today or make time to do so on Tuesday, November 3rd. You can find your early voting location here.
I am appealing to the patriotism of all Americans. We are not powerless in these difficult days. We have the right to vote. Americans have fought and died to give us that power. We must exercise that right if that more perfect union is ever to be ours. Can you help turn out voters by signing up for a phone bank today?
People are exhausted with the pain and sacrifice of COVID-19.
People are exhausted with injustice and violence.
People are exhausted with lack of leadership and a government that no longer comes and reasons together.
People are exhausted with man's inhumanity to their fellow man.
Under this administration countless families have suffered immeasurable loss – loss of health, employment, education, justice, safety and even life.
Their cause must be our cause too. When any of us suffer, all of us lose.
We are distressed with daily bombardments of discrimination towards people of color, distressed with violent voices, distressed that neighbor is being turned against neighbor. Distressed with the mindset that claims for me to win you have to lose.
I have lived through turbulent times. But I have seen America meet the challenge.
Together Americans have passed laws:
to help educate our people,
to provide health care for our neediest – the elderly and the poor,
to ensure the right to vote,
to access decent housing,
to provide decent education,
to make it a safer America for our people.
I watched my father sign:
the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
the 1965 Voting Rights Act,
the 1965 Immigration Act,
the Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education Act,
I witnessed the progress we made. In recent years, I have seen that progress diminished. I believe we can recommit our work for a more just nation. I believe we must. We owe that to our children and grandchildren.
We must do all we can to turn out voters in Texas for this election if we're going to succeed in this work. Please, sign up for a phone bank in these final days of the Election.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are committed to listening to America, to trying and trying again until we complete the work of a more perfect union. Hope is on the horizon.
On the 49th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, I held Civil Rights Leader Congressman John Lewis's left hand while Joe Biden held his right. We walked across the Pettus Bridge together to commemorate the sacrifice made in pursuit of that right. Alas this year we lost our hero John Lewis to the scourge of cancer. But Joe Biden and I continue to walk together in pursuit of John's dream and ours for a more perfect union.
Please join hands with us in pursuit of that dream by reaching out to your fellow voters and helping them make a plan to vote for Biden and Harris. You can sign up for a phone bank shift here.
The work is not finished. But the opportunity is ours to win or lose.
With high hopes,
Luci Baines Johnson