Saturday, October 31, 2020

Join me, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Veronica Escobar, Eric Holder, Sarah Silverman and more!

Will you join me on one phone bank shift each day for the next three days (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday) to try to reach them?

Dear Jason,

There are less than 100 hours left until polls close in Texas, and there are still millions of Texas voters who have yet to cast their ballots.

Will you join me on one phone bank shift each day for the next three days (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday) to try to reach them?

So far this year, Powered by People volunteers have helped register nearly 200,000 voters and have made more than 60 million voter contact attempts. We've helped produce the largest turnout in the country, the first state to surpass its 2016 vote total, and the first state in youth voter turnout.

But the most important thing is that we win on the night of November 3rd. A Democratic majority in the Texas House. MJ Hegar in the U.S. Senate. And Joe Biden our next President.

So let's not leave any vote to chance. Instead let's commit to calling as many of them as we can over the next three days.

Upcoming events:

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Emily and Zooey Deschanel and Beto
Monday, November 2 at 4:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Kate Del Castillo and Beto
Tuesday, November 3 at 3:30PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Rep. Veronica Escobar and Beto
Tuesday, November 3 at 5:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

You can see all of our events here.

I'll be making calls too — and we'll be joined by Veronica Escobar, Luci Baines Johnson, Eric Holder, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Sarah Silverman, Jemele Hill, Jason Bateman, Mark Consuelos, Jack Black, Emily & Zooey Deschanel, Christian Cooper and Kate Del Castillo and many others.

See you soon!



A short story about leaving it all on the field (Picture inside!)

Powered By People


I'm going to tell a short story about Beto's first run for Congress, back in 2012.

It was a very competitive primary, and Beto was up against an eight term incumbent. I was the Campaign Manager at the time, but our team was small – we only had one full-time paid staff member, and it wasn't even me! 99% of this congressional campaign was powered by volunteers.

But we worked hard. We knocked thousands of doors and called thousands of voters. Beto himself knocked at least 16,000 doors. We were leaving it all on the field, no regrets and no second chances. 

And when it came to Election Day, in the last minutes of his historic bid for Congress, Beto stood on the side of the road outside a polling location, flagging down cars so they could vote before the polls closed. Here's a picture:

That picture was taken 10 minutes before the polls closed. And, against all odds, Beto avoided a run off by just a few hundred votes. Again, it was a campaign powered by people who left it all on the field – and it paid off.

So that's what I'm going to ask you to do today, Jason. Leave it all on the field. Do everything you can so when you wake up on November 4th, you're not full of dread or regret.

The enthusiasm is here, Jason. We just need to turn out the voters. Sign up for a phone bank today and leave it all on the field.

Upcoming events:

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto
Sunday, November 1 at 6:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP » Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Emily and Zooey Deschanel and Beto
Monday, November 2 at 4:00PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Kate Del Castillo and Beto
Tuesday, November 3 at 3:30PM CT

Get more info or RSVP »

You can see all of our events here.

I hope that thinking of Beto, standing on the access road to a freeway, 10 minutes before polls close, doing everything he can to pull off a win, inspires you in these last four days. I know it inspires me.


David Wysong
Powered by People


Friday, October 30, 2020

This is Luci Baines Johnson asking you to make sure your vote is cast so it can count.

We must do all we can to turn out voters in Texas for this election if we're going to succeed in this work.

Powered By People


People have been voting in historic numbers this election. This is important. In a democracy, our votes are our voice. Democracy is the work of our people as we continue the march to a more perfect union.

This is Luci Baines Johnson asking you to make sure your vote is cast so it can count. Today is the last day of early voting in Texas, so please get to the polls today or make time to do so on Tuesday, November 3rd. You can find your early voting location here.

I am appealing to the patriotism of all Americans. We are not powerless in these difficult days. We have the right to vote. Americans have fought and died to give us that power. We must exercise that right if that more perfect union is ever to be ours. Can you help turn out voters by signing up for a phone bank today?

People are exhausted with the pain and sacrifice of COVID-19.

People are exhausted with injustice and violence.

People are exhausted with lack of leadership and a government that no longer comes and reasons together.

People are exhausted with man's inhumanity to their fellow man.

Under this administration countless families have suffered immeasurable loss – loss of health, employment, education, justice, safety and even life.

Their cause must be our cause too. When any of us suffer, all of us lose.

We are distressed with daily bombardments of discrimination towards people of color, distressed with violent voices, distressed that neighbor is being turned against neighbor. Distressed with the mindset that claims for me to win you have to lose.

I have lived through turbulent times. But I have seen America meet the challenge.

Together Americans have passed laws:
to help educate our people,
to provide health care for our neediest – the elderly and the poor,
to ensure the right to vote, 
to access decent housing, 
to provide decent education,
to make it a safer America for our people.

I watched my father sign:
the 1964 Civil Rights Act, 
the 1965 Voting Rights Act,
the 1965 Immigration Act,
the Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education Act, 

I witnessed the progress we made. In recent years, I have seen that progress diminished. I believe we can recommit our work for a more just nation. I believe we must. We owe that to our children and grandchildren.

We must do all we can to turn out voters in Texas for this election if we're going to succeed in this work. Please, sign up for a phone bank in these final days of the Election.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are committed to listening to America, to trying and trying again until we complete the work of a more perfect union. Hope is on the horizon.

On the 49th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, I held Civil Rights Leader Congressman John Lewis's left hand while Joe Biden held his right. We walked across the Pettus Bridge together to commemorate the sacrifice made in pursuit of that right. Alas this year we lost our hero John Lewis to the scourge of cancer. But Joe Biden and I continue to walk together in pursuit of John's dream and ours for a more perfect union.

Please join hands with us in pursuit of that dream by reaching out to your fellow voters and helping them make a plan to vote for Biden and Harris. You can sign up for a phone bank shift here.

The work is not finished. But the opportunity is ours to win or lose.

With high hopes,

Luci Baines Johnson


Thursday, October 29, 2020

How are you feeling about Tuesday, Jason?

We have a solution for your pre-election stress!

Powered By People

I know the feeling, Jason.

You're stressed about Election Day. You can't stop refreshing Twitter, the news is constantly on in the background, and you just want to relax! Well, our team has found the perfect solution to those pre-election jitters:


Nothing helps distract the mind more than talking to voters, and nothing is more calming than knowing you're doing everything you possibly can to win this election.

Put that nervous energy to good use and sign up for a phone bank shift to flip Texas with one of our special guests!

We'll even be hosting phone banks all the way until the last polls close in Texas, so we can be sure to reach every single voter possible to make sure they're in line to vote!

Upcoming events:

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Jemele Hill and Beto
Tuesday, November 3 at 1:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP » Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Kate Del Castillo and Beto
Monday, November 2 at 3:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Rep. Veronica Escobar and Beto
Monday, November 2 at 5:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

You can see all of our events here.

It'll help – I promise!

See you on Zoom,

Cynthia Cano,
Powered by People


You’re invited to a phone bank with Steve Kerr and Beto!

Steve Kerr is teaming up with Beto tonight to call Texas voters to get out the vote. Can you join them?

Powered By People

Jason: Early voting in Texas ends tomorrow! And we need to turn out as many voters as possible if we're going to flip Texas.

That's why Golden State Warriors Head Coach Steve Kerr is teaming up with Beto for a virtual Get Out The Vote phone bank tonight! Can you join them at 5:30pm CT to help turn out voters for the most important election of our lives?

New polling about the state of the race in Texas shows Donald Trump and Joe Biden TIED and pollsters have called Texas a toss-up – but we know that we can't take polls for granted. We have to work hard and reach as many voters as possible to make this poll a reality.

That's why hundreds of volunteers from around the country – including Steve Kerr – are signing up to turn out Texas voters before early voting ends. Because at the end of the day on November 3rd, it's all going to come down to whether enough voters turned out in Texas.

RSVP here:

Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Steve Kerr and Beto
Thursday, October 29 at 5:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

You can sign up for our other events here.

Don't leave anything on the table.

See you on Zoom,

The Powered by People team


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

TOSS-UP: Pollsters say Texas could go either way

In the biggest swing state in the country, one that also happens to be the most voter-suppressed, we need to do everything we can to turn them out.

Powered By People

It's official, JasonTexas is a TOSS-UP!

A state that hasn't voted for the Democratic nominee since 1976 has been labeled as a Toss-Up state by multiple major polls and election trackers.

This is BIG. Can you help us carry this momentum to the polls by signing up for a phone bank today?

There is enough enthusiasm on the ground across Texas to cause these polls to flip. Our volunteers will tell you, there is something special happening in Texas. Which means, on the night of November 3rd, it's all going to come down to voter turnout.

The polls, the tweets, and other positive indicators about flipping Texas don't mean a thing if people don't vote. That's why we're spending the three days leading up to Election Day calling voters across Texas, along with some special guests, for Calling Texas: The Last Mile. Can you commit to joining us for part of it, Jason? 

Upcoming events:

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Attorney General Eric Holder and Beto
Sunday, November 1 at 5:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP » Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Jack Black and Beto
Monday, November 2 at 2:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Jason Bateman and Beto
Monday, November 2 at 6:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank with Rep. Veronica Escobar and Beto
Tuesday, November 3 at 5:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

You can see all of our events here.

We need your help, Jason. Whether you can sign up for multiple shifts or just one, it will make a huge difference in Texas.  

–Powered by People


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Nate Silver just said something BIG about Texas:

We need to do everything we can to Take Back the House, but we need your help.

Powered By People

Jason, Nate Silver just said something BIG about Texas:

"Without question, Texas is the biggest redistricting prize up for grabs this year"

Thanks to recent population growth in Texas, we're expected to gain three more congressional districts after redistricting. Those new districts could be gerrymandered into GOP strongholds if we don't flip the Texas State House, which would be absolutely devastating in the efforts to keep the U.S. House blue.

That's why we need to do everything in our power to Take Back the House. Please, Jason, rush a donation of $10 to help us fight gerrymandering and Take Back the House.  

Not only is taking back the State House extremely important, but it's also totally doable. We only need to flip nine districts – and there are currently nine Republican-held districts that voted for Beto in 2018. Plus, there are another 13 districts that are within reach if enough voters turnout.

We know the numbers are on our side – NBC even announced Texas as a Toss-Up! Now, we just need to turn out as many voters as possible for these 22 State House candidates. 

That's why, tomorrow evening, hundreds of volunteers from around the country will be joining Beto to call voters in those 22 competitive districts. Can you rush a donation of $10 to help us Take Back the House and end gerrymandering in Texas? 

Let's flip Texas,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People

P.S. Can't donate right now? Join us to make calls tomorrow evening to Take Back the House!


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Monday, October 26, 2020

You’ll be part of a movement unlike any we’ve seen in Texas, Jason

In the biggest swing state in the country, one that also happens to be the most voter-suppressed, we need to do everything we can to turn them out.

Dear Jason, 

We are almost there. 

Eight days left, including today.

While Texas leads the country in number of votes cast and also leads in improvement over 2016 turnout, there are still millions of Texas voters who have yet to vote.

In the biggest swing state in the country, one that also happens to be the most voter-suppressed, we need to do everything we can to turn them out.

The election for the State House, the majority in the U.S. Senate, and the ability to decide the Presidential election on November 3rd all depend on Texas.

Can I count on you to join me at one of these phone banks?

RSVP here:

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank
November 1 - November 3

Get more info or RSVP »

You'll be part of a movement unlike any we've seen in Texas. So far this year volunteers like you have helped us make more than 50 million voter contact attempts, register nearly 200,000 voters, and helped spur the largest voter turnout in Texas history.

Let's finish strong — it's not enough to break records and overcome voter suppression if we don't win these races.

So join me this week and let's win Texas.



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Phone bank to take back the Texas House

It's time we Take Back the House, but we can only do that with your help.

Powered By People


We know how important the presidential, senate, and congressional races are this year. In both cases, we've been talking about those elections for over a year.

But we cannot forget how important local elections are, too – they are what impact our daily lives the most, from the potholes on your street to gerrymandering and voter suppression.

That's why we need to do everything in our power to Take Back the House. Can you join Beto and call voters on behalf of 20+ State House candidates? 

RSVP here:

Take Back the House with Beto and State House candidates
Wednesday, October 28 at 6:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

We only have nine days left in this election, Jason

Nine days to turn out every Democratic voter in the state.

The top-ballot races are important, no doubt about that, but it doesn't matter what progress is happening in the White House if our own State House is stopping it. This is our last major push on behalf of these State House candidates, and we have to give it everything we've got.

We're going to be calling voters in each of these 20+ districts, make sure they know the name of their State House candidates, and remind them that this is the last week to early vote in Texas. It seems simple, but these are the important and necessary conversations we need to have if we're going to flip the Texas State House for the first time in 20 years.

Let's Take Back the House.

See you on Zoom,

The Powered by People team


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Phone bank with Ethan Hawke and Steve Kerr!

We have our work cut out for us, but accomplished amazing things before. We're excited to have two great activists stepping up to the plate to join us this week!

Powered By People


Only 50.1% of registered voters in Texas voted in 2018. And that was after one of the biggest voter registration surges Texas had ever seen.

So when Beto and the rest of the team talk about how we can't take anything for granted, that's what we mean. There was so much excitement in Texas in 2018, yet barely half of Texans voted. That's why we need you, Jason, to step up and join us for a phone bank to make sure Texans get to the polls by November 3rd!

Can you join special guests Ethan Hawke and Steve Kerr for a phone bank shift next week?

Sign up now:

Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Beto and Ethan Hawke
Monday, October 26 at 6:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP » Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Beto and Steve Kerr
Thursday, October 29 at 5:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

We owe it to future generations to make sure as many Texans turn out to vote this election than ever before. This is something we can accomplish – we just have to put in the hard work.

No one is coming to save us. It's up to volunteers like you, Jason.

Cynthia Cano
Powered by People

P.S. If you really can't make it, please forward this email to three people who are looking to make a difference this November – no state could flip this election more than Texas!


Friday, October 23, 2020

You’re invited to a phone bank with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Beto!

Kirsten Gillibrand is teaming up with Beto tomorrow to call Texas voters to get out the vote. Can you join them?

Powered By People

Jason, are you busy tomorrow?

I hope not, because Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is teaming up with Beto for a virtual Get Out The Vote phone bank tomorrow afternoon! Can you join them at 1pm CT to help turn out voters for the most important election of our lives?

New polling about the state of the race in Texas shows Donald Trump and Joe Biden TIED – but we know that we can't take polls for granted. We have to work hard and reach as many voters as possible to make this poll a reality.

That's why hundreds of volunteers from around the country – including Senator Kirsten Gillibrand – are signing up to turn out Texas voters. Because at the end of the day on November 3rd, it's all going to come down to whether enough voters turned out in Texas.

RSVP here:

Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Beto
Saturday, October 24 at 1:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

You can sign up for our other events here.

This poll proves that there is something happening in Texas and if we don't act, that momentum could be stunted. 

Don't leave anything on the table.

See you on Zoom tomorrow,

Kate Roberts
Powered by People 


Thursday, October 22, 2020

A new poll shows Trump and Biden are tied in Texas! Can you chip in $12 or more to help flip Texas?

Powered by People is working to reach and turn out every Democratic voter in Texas to help send our 38 Electoral College votes to Joe Biden.

Powered By People

POLL ALERT: A recent poll showed Joe Biden and Donald Trump are TIED in Texas!

Can you chip in $12 to cover the costs of our phone banks as we aim to call every Democrat in Texas in the next 12 days?
Chip in $12 »

Jason, for the second time in the past two weeks, a new poll shows Donald Trump and Joe Biden TIED in Texas!

Having double confirmation that Texas is the biggest battleground state is huge! But we know we can't take the polls for granted. We have to work hard and reach as many voters as possible to make this poll a reality. 

Powered by People is working to reach and turn out every Democratic voter in Texas to help send our 38 Electoral College votes to Joe Biden. Can you chip in $12 – or whatever you can afford right now – to help us turn out Democrats in Texas?

Contribute $12

Still not convinced that Texas is the biggest battleground state in the country? Let me break it down real quick: 

Texas has the second largest number of Electoral College votes in the country. Texas alone has more votes than Wisconsin and Michigan combined

AND all votes in Texas will be counted by Election Night – unlike Pennsylvania and other swing states, there won't be any mail-in ballots coming the next day. On the night of November 3rd, we'll know where all 38 votes are going. 

If we want to end Trump's national nightmare on November 3rd, we need to send all 38 votes to Joe Biden. And we can only do that if we reach every Democratic voter and help them make a voting plan, Jason

Please, consider chipping in what you can to support the next 12 days of calling voters.

Thank you,

David Wysong

Powered by People

P.S. If you can't give right now but want to make a difference in this election, sign up for one of our phone bank shifts! You won't regret it. 


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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

2 more people from 90291

Our phone banks have been on fire, but we still need a few more people to step up from your area if we're going to reach our goal.

Powered By People

Jason, I'll keep this quick:

We need two more volunteers from 90291 to sign up for a phone bank this week or we're not going to reach our goal of calling every Democrat in Texas before Election Day. 

Sign up now:

Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Beto and State House candidates
Wednesday, October 21 at 6:30pm CT (Tonight!)

Get more info or RSVP » Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Beto and State House candidates
Thursday, October 22 at 5:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Just over a week ago we called nearly three million voters and since then, we've been on a roll. It's great to see so many folks from around the world (we had one star phone banker from Japan!) recognize that Texas is the largest swing state in the country this election and get involved. But when I checked our event sign ups this morning, we were way behind our goal. 

Can you be the superstar volunteer we need from 90291 to help us reach our goal for this week?

I hope I see you on the dialer this week! 

Kate Roberts

P.S. If you really can't make it, please forward this email to three people who are looking to make a difference this November – no state could flip this election more than Texas!