Thursday, October 22, 2020

A new poll shows Trump and Biden are tied in Texas! Can you chip in $12 or more to help flip Texas?

Powered by People is working to reach and turn out every Democratic voter in Texas to help send our 38 Electoral College votes to Joe Biden.

Powered By People

POLL ALERT: A recent poll showed Joe Biden and Donald Trump are TIED in Texas!

Can you chip in $12 to cover the costs of our phone banks as we aim to call every Democrat in Texas in the next 12 days?
Chip in $12 »

Jason, for the second time in the past two weeks, a new poll shows Donald Trump and Joe Biden TIED in Texas!

Having double confirmation that Texas is the biggest battleground state is huge! But we know we can't take the polls for granted. We have to work hard and reach as many voters as possible to make this poll a reality. 

Powered by People is working to reach and turn out every Democratic voter in Texas to help send our 38 Electoral College votes to Joe Biden. Can you chip in $12 – or whatever you can afford right now – to help us turn out Democrats in Texas?

Contribute $12

Still not convinced that Texas is the biggest battleground state in the country? Let me break it down real quick: 

Texas has the second largest number of Electoral College votes in the country. Texas alone has more votes than Wisconsin and Michigan combined

AND all votes in Texas will be counted by Election Night – unlike Pennsylvania and other swing states, there won't be any mail-in ballots coming the next day. On the night of November 3rd, we'll know where all 38 votes are going. 

If we want to end Trump's national nightmare on November 3rd, we need to send all 38 votes to Joe Biden. And we can only do that if we reach every Democratic voter and help them make a voting plan, Jason

Please, consider chipping in what you can to support the next 12 days of calling voters.

Thank you,

David Wysong

Powered by People

P.S. If you can't give right now but want to make a difference in this election, sign up for one of our phone bank shifts! You won't regret it. 


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