Monday, October 12, 2020

It's not too late

We're calling one million voters today and will have special phone banks hosts – including Willie Nelson and Bernie Sanders. Will you join us for a shift?

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Jason, it's not too late to join us today as we work together to reach one million voters.

Early voting begins tomorrow in Texas, so reaching out to these folks today and helping them put together an early voting plan is vital to flipping Texas – and the Senate and White House – blue 

Our volunteers have spent this year identifying the exact voters who would likely vote for Democrats up and down the ballot, now we need to actually turn them out. 

Please, join us anytime between 9am-9pm CT today for a phone bank shift to turn out Texans for early voting. Below are three early phone banks where we could especially use your help reaching those who work later in the day and night.

RSVP here:

Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Andrew Yang
Monday, October 12 at 9:00am CT

Get more info or RSVP »


Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Stacey Abrams
Monday, October 12 at 12:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »


Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Secretary Julián Castro
Monday, October 12 at 2:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

We – you, me, Beto, and everyone else who wants change in this country – need to do all we can to win this November. 

Please, join us today for this ambitious day of action.

Cynthia Cano

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