Monday, October 12, 2020

80% there!

I have a quick update on how our goal of calling one million voters is going!

Powered By People

Big news, Jason –

We have already made 800,000 calls today!

This is absolutely amazing. Plus, we still have two more phone bank shifts to go! We are on track to blow away our goal of calling 1,000,000 voters, with thousands of volunteers still set to join us.

I'm amazed that so many folks from around the country have stepped up to help us meet this already ambitious goal. If you can, please consider chipping in $10 to help support the efforts of our volunteers and their work to reach one million voters.

David will reach out later to let you know how the rest of the day goes. But for now, know that we are on track to shatter record-breaking numbers.

Thanks for your support,

Kate Roberts


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