Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I want to share this note with you

Please read this email that I just sent our Calling Texas volunteers.

Dear Jason, 

I want to share the note I just sent our Calling Texas volunteers with you. We broke some big records during our Monday phone bank for volunteer participation which helped Texas break some really big records for voter turnout during the first day of Early Voting.

It's clear that what we do today affects what is possible tomorrow. 

Please, give this a read and then consider signing up to join me on Thursday for a phone bank.

Thank you,



Dear volunteer,

Over twelve hours on Monday we made 2,942,597 calls to Texas voters.

I don't know that more calls have ever been made to more voters in a single state over the course of just one day. And it couldn't have happened at a more critical moment.

Control of the State House, the size of our majority in Congress, and the possibility of flipping the U.S. Senate all rest on the turnout in Texas.

And beyond that — if Texans vote in record numbers in this election, then Joe Biden will become the first Democrat to win this state since 1976. Our 38 electoral college votes could end this national nightmare on election night, without waiting for the slow returns or court battles that are our fate if we don't win Texas.

You made it more possible that we win all of these important elections with the calls you made on Monday. And after the first full day of Early Voting in Texas I think it's safe to say that what we're doing is working. From Harris to El Paso, Texas counties have shattered their first-day early vote records from previous elections.

Texans are showing up, and you helped make it happen.

Thank you for joining thousands of your fellow Americans in making these calls and for ensuring our "Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank" was a success (next time we will call it the "Three Million Voter Phone Bank"). 

Last thing — never ones to rest while there's work to be done, we'd love for you to join us for a phone bank I'm hosting this Thursday. Like the calls we made Monday, these are easy — just asking people to vote during early voting and helping to answer common voting questions. Most folks we call to help make a plan to vote are glad we did, and for many these calls make the difference between voting and not voting. If you're interested, you can sign up below:

Upcoming events:

Virtual Phone Bank with Beto and State House Candidates
Thursday, October 15 at 5:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP » Virtual Phone Bank with Beto and State House Candidates
Saturday, October 17 at 1:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Thanks for coming through for Texas so that Texas can come through for the country.

With deep gratitude,


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