Saturday, October 24, 2020

Phone bank with Ethan Hawke and Steve Kerr!

We have our work cut out for us, but accomplished amazing things before. We're excited to have two great activists stepping up to the plate to join us this week!

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Only 50.1% of registered voters in Texas voted in 2018. And that was after one of the biggest voter registration surges Texas had ever seen.

So when Beto and the rest of the team talk about how we can't take anything for granted, that's what we mean. There was so much excitement in Texas in 2018, yet barely half of Texans voted. That's why we need you, Jason, to step up and join us for a phone bank to make sure Texans get to the polls by November 3rd!

Can you join special guests Ethan Hawke and Steve Kerr for a phone bank shift next week?

Sign up now:

Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Beto and Ethan Hawke
Monday, October 26 at 6:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP » Virtual GOTV Phone Bank with Beto and Steve Kerr
Thursday, October 29 at 5:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

We owe it to future generations to make sure as many Texans turn out to vote this election than ever before. This is something we can accomplish – we just have to put in the hard work.

No one is coming to save us. It's up to volunteers like you, Jason.

Cynthia Cano
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P.S. If you really can't make it, please forward this email to three people who are looking to make a difference this November – no state could flip this election more than Texas!


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