Monday, October 12, 2020


I have a quick update on how Calling Texas went today and I'd love if you could read it before you go to bed tonight.

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Sorry for the late email, Jason. But I just got off Zoom with Beto and some of today's volunteers, and I have some absolutely incredible news:

We called 2,942,597 voters today – more than doubling and almost TRIPLING our goal of one million calls!

Beto will reach out with a more detailed recap of the day later, but I wanted to make sure you saw this amazing news before you went to bed, Jason. 

It's incredible that we were able to not only go above and beyond our goal today, but almost TRIPLE it. Each call we made increases our technology costs – especially since we only budgeted to reach one million voters today. If you can, please consider chipping in $10 tonight to help us cover the costs of reaching those extra 1,942,597 callers.

I'm so proud of what we were able to do today and can't wait to see the impact this has on the first day of early voting in Texas tomorrow. I think it's going to be bigger than we ever could have imagined. 

Of course, we wouldn't have been able to do this without the thousands of supporters who helped us reach this goal, including our special guests who stepped up during this critical moment – like native Texan, Willie Nelson.

Please, Jason, chip in whatever you can afford to help support the nearly two million extra calls we made today and continue our work to turn out folks for early voting.

– David Wysong


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