Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Nate Silver just said something BIG about Texas:

We need to do everything we can to Take Back the House, but we need your help.

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Jason, Nate Silver just said something BIG about Texas:

"Without question, Texas is the biggest redistricting prize up for grabs this year"

Thanks to recent population growth in Texas, we're expected to gain three more congressional districts after redistricting. Those new districts could be gerrymandered into GOP strongholds if we don't flip the Texas State House, which would be absolutely devastating in the efforts to keep the U.S. House blue.

That's why we need to do everything in our power to Take Back the House. Please, Jason, rush a donation of $10 to help us fight gerrymandering and Take Back the House.  

Not only is taking back the State House extremely important, but it's also totally doable. We only need to flip nine districts – and there are currently nine Republican-held districts that voted for Beto in 2018. Plus, there are another 13 districts that are within reach if enough voters turnout.

We know the numbers are on our side – NBC even announced Texas as a Toss-Up! Now, we just need to turn out as many voters as possible for these 22 State House candidates. 

That's why, tomorrow evening, hundreds of volunteers from around the country will be joining Beto to call voters in those 22 competitive districts. Can you rush a donation of $10 to help us Take Back the House and end gerrymandering in Texas? 

Let's flip Texas,

Kate Roberts
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P.S. Can't donate right now? Join us to make calls tomorrow evening to Take Back the House!


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