Monday, October 26, 2020

You’ll be part of a movement unlike any we’ve seen in Texas, Jason

In the biggest swing state in the country, one that also happens to be the most voter-suppressed, we need to do everything we can to turn them out.

Dear Jason, 

We are almost there. 

Eight days left, including today.

While Texas leads the country in number of votes cast and also leads in improvement over 2016 turnout, there are still millions of Texas voters who have yet to vote.

In the biggest swing state in the country, one that also happens to be the most voter-suppressed, we need to do everything we can to turn them out.

The election for the State House, the majority in the U.S. Senate, and the ability to decide the Presidential election on November 3rd all depend on Texas.

Can I count on you to join me at one of these phone banks?

RSVP here:

Calling Texas: The Last Mile Phone Bank
November 1 - November 3

Get more info or RSVP »

You'll be part of a movement unlike any we've seen in Texas. So far this year volunteers like you have helped us make more than 50 million voter contact attempts, register nearly 200,000 voters, and helped spur the largest voter turnout in Texas history.

Let's finish strong — it's not enough to break records and overcome voter suppression if we don't win these races.

So join me this week and let's win Texas.



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