Friday, October 9, 2020

You can be the reason someone votes this November

If we're going to win, we need you to have conversations with voters.

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Jason, in the past week, we've sent 7 emails asking you and other volunteers to join us for Calling Texas. Here's why:

This movement in Texas is bigger than just one person or campaign. By joining us for a phone bank shift on Monday and helping call one million Texans, you're becoming the difference between those folks voting or not. Those folks voting becomes the difference between another ten years of Republican gerrymandering in Texas and another four years of a Trump presidency. And that difference will impact our country and everyone in it for generations

The polls are really close, but we can't take anything for granted. We've blindly trusted polls and gotten too complacent before, and it backfired terribly. We can't let that happen again. I don't want to feel the way I did after the 2016 election again. And I'm sure you don't, either. 

You are a vital part of this movement, Jason. But now, we have an important request:

Whether you have time for just a few calls or a few thousand, whether this is your first phone bank or your hundredth, please join us and our celebrity guests on Monday as we call one million Texas voters. 

RSVP here:

Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Andrew Yang
Monday, October 1
2 at 9:00am CT

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Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Sen. Bernie Sanders
Monday, October 1
2 at 10:30am CT

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Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Stacey Abrams
Monday, October 1
2 at 12:30pm CT

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Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Secretary Julián Castro
Monday, October 1
2 at 2:30pm CT

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Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Oprah Winfrey
Monday, October 1
2 at 4:30pm CT

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Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Willie Nelson
Monday, October 1
2 at 6:30pm CT

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We know that folks across the country have a lot on their mind right now. We wanted to take a moment to recognize that in spite of all the challenges we've faced, you've stayed in the fight. Even if you can't join us on Monday, the fact that you're still engaged and reading this shows that you care.

But if you have the time to spare on Monday – even if it's just a few minutes – we need you to step up and give us a bit of your time. This is not the time to leave anything on the table, Jason. We need to give it all we've got to make this moment in Texas a reality. No excuses. 

Let's win this thing.

David Wysong
Powered by People 


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