Saturday, October 10, 2020

This is not a fundraising email

This is about doing the hard work needed to win this election.

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I'm not going to ask you for money in this email. In fact, you won't find a fundraising link anywhere in this email.

This is because I don't want you to get distracted from where the real help is needed: calling one million voters before early voting begins in Texas next Tuesday, October 13th. 

By calling one million voters the day before early voting starts, you will be drastically increasing the chances of them actually voting early. This is vital work that could change the course of the election and the course of our nation in the biggest battleground state in the country. With 38 Electoral College votes to give, Texas is the path forward for a winning presidential campaign. We just need to turn out enough voters. 

Whether you have time for just a few calls or a few thousand, whether this is your first phone bank or your hundredth, please join us and our celebrity guests on Monday as we call one million Texas voters.

RSVP here:

Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Andrew Yang
Monday, October 1
2 at 9:00am CT

Get more info or RSVP »


Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Stacey Abrams
Monday, October 1
2 at 12:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »


Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with Secretary Julián Castro
Monday, October 1
2 at 2:30pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »


Calling Texas: The Million Voter Phone Bank with our other special guests!
Monday, October 1
2 from 9:00am - 9:00pm CT

Get more info or RSVP »

Quite frankly, we can't reach one million voters without you, Jason. It's the biggest goal we've ever set and it's a lofty one. But it's what we have to do to flip Texas. It's the hard work that needs to be done before Election Day.

By sparing whatever time you have on Monday, even if it's on your lunch break or while you make dinner, you are playing an influential role in one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. 

Please, don't sit this one out. We need your help.

I hope to see you Monday,
Kate Roberts
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